
If you are here because your child has died, please accept our heartfelt sympathy. We know from first-hand experience how devastating the loss of a child can be.

If you’re wondering how to support a bereaved family, thank you for your concern. Here’s some tips and advice.

Healing Hearts is a small peer-support group of New Zealand families who connect online through email (see below) and our Facebook Group. The common bond is that we’ve all lost a child to either illness or sudden death. Some long ago, while other families are in the early stages of deep, raw grief.

We found each other and have formed a strong connection. It has been immensely helpful to share our stories openly with other parents who understand the pain and grief of losing a child prematurely. We know what a huge difference it can make to know other parents who 'get it' and who have 'been there' too.

Please scroll down for support and resources to help with the grief process following the death of your child.

Arohanui friend, you may feel lonely but you are not walking alone.

Support Groups

A current list and links to NZ based support groups

Counselling Services

Online and face-to-face NZ based counselling services

Advice for Friends or Whanau

Our tips for supporting someone going through grief and loss (1)

Contact Us

We don't run grief support groups, provide counselling or therapeutic advice. We do help parents connect with others and share resources.